Coming Soon!!!!


Choices, decisions, and independent young adulthood is the start of a whole new life for Tamar in Author Jessica’ LeeAnn’s, Not of this World. Living a sheltered life under her maternal grandmother’s watchful eye, Tamar was raised in the church and a holy household, but upon graduating high school and landing her first corporate job, life as she knew it took a sharp turn to the left.

The best thing one could have is a good friend to help them become acclimated to their new surroundings, and Sasha provided that very thing for Tamar. From clothes to shoes to hair, Sasha showed Tamar what was expected of her in the new position she accepted and a few other things as well. Who said teens are the only ones that have to deal with peer pressure?

Tamar’s noticeable change went against all she knew, reminded her grandmother of someone that was once dear to her and changed every relationship in her life. Is it for the better, or has Tamar gotten herself in way over her head and stayed far longer than she intended?

Not of this World is a coming-of-age, young adult novel that is a necessary read for our young people transitioning from the safety and sanctity of their parents or guardians to understanding this world as it pertains to them and the life they know they should live for God.

Now Available!

BNIF 3d bookcoverSo very excited to announce that But Now I’m Found Devotionals for Broken Vessels is now available! It’s been an interesting journey but so exciting!

You may be wondering who exactly is this book for. This book is for the following women:

  • You’ve had so many disappointments that you lost hope, faith and trust in God
  • You’ve had a traumatic experience and find it hard to move forward in life
  • You don’t feel worthy, loved or cared for
  • You’ve experienced relationships or situations that has left you feeling broken
  • You think that you are tarnished or damaged goods
  • You desire to have a relationship with God but think He’s mad at you
  • You don’t know how to start a conversation with God (prayer)
  • You feel lost
  • You’re tired of pretending to have it all together

If you are one of the women above, But Now I’m Found Devotionals for Broken Vessels is for you! Trust me, Sis, I’ve been there! I’ve been affected by my abandonment issues, broken from deceit & betrayal, and even felt unworthy of love as well as God’s attention. It wasn’t until I sought after God and learned who He is, how to apply the Word to my life and allowed Him to mold me into a new vessel that I begin to embrace the woman that I’ve become so far on my journey. I have a long way to go but I celebrate who and where I am today because God has brought me so far. He will do the same for you, too!

God is forgiving, loving and powerful enough to change your life if you allow Him to. The process of becoming a new vessel is not fun and it’s not easy but I can promise you it’s worth the hard work. If you are ready to become a better version of yourself and need encouragement along the way, But Not I’m Found Devotionals for Broken Vessels is the guide you’ll need. Order your copy today




Let the Healing Begin!


BNIF 3d bookcover

One of the hardest things I had to accept on my journey this far is that I didn’t know who I was as a woman. I allowed my insecurities to create this cold-hearted persona that people were weirdly drawn to. I eventually realized people were not drawn to me because they loved me but because I was dysfunctional. Unfortunately society loves to watch a train wreck in motion. That’s exactly what I was for many years. A train wreck in motion. Well, I had finally crashed and burned. I found myself at rock bottom. I was emotionally drained, spiritually lost and physically tired. I had become tired of pretending to be the cold-hearted persona I created. In fact, I was not even close to being cold-hearted. I actually was an insecure, abandoned soul who craved the love and attention that I didn’t get at home.

For years I thought I…

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Does Love Truly Bear All Things?


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Jeremy is a passionate musician who is finally seeing his dream come true. His band, Majestic, has been invited to China to perform. The issue is he’ll be gone for six months. Jeremy’s girlfriend Amber hates that he’s a musician and she hates when he has to travel. Jeremy knows the last time he went on the road just for three weeks his relationship with Amber almost came to an end. How can he tell her that this time he’ll be gone for six months without breaking her heart?

Kim doesn’t like her sister-in-law, Lena, at all. She never has and doesn’t have any plans on starting to. Although her husband, Lamar, knows this he still opens their home to his sister and her three kids who is in need of a place to stay. Kim is furious that she’ll be under the same roof as her sister-in-law. She finds herself withdrawing…

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Ready, Set, Heal!

broken vessel

We all experience some type of hurt, pain or disappointment in our lives. Some of us have the knowledge, strength and power to address and heal from our issues rather quickly while others have a hard time figuring it all out.

Maybe you are someone who is currently experiencing heartache or disappointment and are unsure of how to heal from your pain. There are a series of steps you must take towards your healing journey. However, it’s possible. Ready?

Be Patient.

The first step you must take on this journey is mastering the art of patience. Your healing journey is not a sprint or a race. It’s a marathon and your Dive Creator is running alongside of you. Your patience will teach you endurance and perseverance which is needed on your journey.

Be Transparent.

It could be extremely difficult to be transparent about your pain. No one wants to talk about or even acknowledge if or when they’re hurting. I totally understand! But it’s necessary. In your transparency is where the layers of your pain will begin to unravel so that you can get to the core f your pain.

Seek God.

Many of us try to heal on our own and when we make this mistake we end up hurting ourselves even more. Being that I’m extremely independent I understand why you want to start the journey on your own. Who to seek guidance from on this journey more suited than the One who created us? god knows exactly why you’re in pain so therefore He’ll know exactly how to heal you and what lessons to teach you on this journey.

Trust the Process.

I believe this is the most difficult part of healing; trusting the process. We are naturally fearful of the unknown and in this fear I believe we become discouraged which is why we become impatient and never properly heal from our scars and wounds. Rather than being fearful of the process, embrace it! During this amazing, humbling journey is where you’ll discover who you truly are, your courage, strength, and wisdom. This part of your journey is where most of us find our purpose! I won’t front, the process of healing is hard! It hurts and it gets very real. But we are real people with real issues so we must continue through the process, even when it gets too real.

It’s no secret that we all have problems, pain and have been disappointed. God never said it wouldn’t be trouble but He did guarantee that it wouldn’t last always. Most people who are still hurting from past wounds, pain or disappointments are afraid to take the necessary steps towards their healing journey. The word of God tells us that God did not give us the spirit of fear but of power, love and self-c0ntrol. You have the power to start your healing journey so take control and free yourself from your pain.

Stepping Outside of the Spirit


When we decide to be in relationship with God we receive the best gift ever: His spirit. When we have His spirit within us we are in alignment with Him therefore we have access to His divine wisdom, knowledge and discernment. With the Spirit of God within us we’re able to make clear and mature decisions. The Spirit of God helps us keep our minds on righteous and wholesome desires. The spiritual realm protects us from pain, disappointment and temptation. It is when we step outside of the spiritual realm and into the realm of the flesh when we begin making choices and decisions that does not align with the will or word of God.

Being outside of the Spiritual realm is a dangerous zone for believers. We can find ourselves flirting with sin. And we all know where flirting can lead us: right into temptation. We’re tempted to behave in ways that we are familiar with in our flesh and that’s when we begin to make mistakes in our lives we could have avoided. The realm of the flesh leads us down destructive paths and ultimately destroys our relationship with God. When we’re outside of the Spiritual realm we connect with souls and situations that are not of God. Doing this can give us ammunition to part ways with the Most High. We become enticed with things of the world and get comfortable being separated from the Most High. None of us are exempt from temptation. However we are all equipped to fight it and not step into the fleshly realm where we can be tainted by it.

While I personally understand that we find ourselves in situations where we step out of the realm of the Spirit, it’s our responsibility to acknowledge the path that leads us into temptation and flee as far from that path as possible. Staying in the word of God, praying and fasting will help you remain in the realm of the Spirit. When you keep your mind and actions on things of the Spirit life is more peaceful, joyful and filled with love. You have wisdom, clarity and power. Stepping outside of the realm you lose all of the fruits of the Spirit God gives us. Trust me, I know how hard it is to walk in the Spirit. However, it’s possible! God gave us the Spirit of self-control for a reason. I encourage you to step into your power, resist temptation every chance you get so that you can remain in the realm of the Spirit and receive the desires God is waiting to bless you with.



Enter to Win a Digital Workbook!

3d workbook coverLet the Healing Begin workbook was created to assist broken vessels with starting their healing journey with God. Some of us have the desire to submit our lives to God and don’t know where to begin. No worries! Allow this workbook to do just that.

In this workbook you will answer questions, receive inspiration and complete exercises that will motivate you to search deep within yourself to get to the root of your brokenness. You will also learn how to seek God so that you can begin the beautiful journey of leaving your past behind, discover your destiny and also how to begin living in the fullness of God.

Reading the devotional book But Now I’m Found Devotionals for Broken Vessels will give you more clarity and insight on how to answer the questions. You will find supporting scriptures to the topics being covered in Let the Healing Begin.

I pray that But Now I’m Found Devotionals for Broken Vessels as well as Let the Healing Begin will be the encouragement that you need in order to start your healing process. If you get discouraged while submitting to God remember that He is only a prayer away.

To learn more about But Now I’m Found Devotionals for Broken Vessels and to also enter the drawing to win your free copy of Let the Healing Begin subscribe to my website I’m looking forward to hearing about your journey to becoming a new vessel!

 Happy Healing Sis!


Expired Friendships


I’ve always wondered about people entering and exiting my life, especially when I’ve been very fond of them. Then I remember that God’s word tells us there’s a season for everything in life, including friendships. God places people in our lives at specific time for a specific reason. We pour into them and they pour into us. Unfortunately sometimes we are only given an allotted time to pour into each other before we go our separate ways.

While it can be hard to part ways with people you’ve grown to love, I understand we all have different destiny’s and at some point during our journeys we must take separate paths. The departure doesn’t have to be bitter but it has to be done. King Solomon tells us there’s a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing. Let’s be honest, who wants to refrain from embracing! None of us but we have to at some point. During the time of refraining, it’s best to use this time to reflect. Reflect on the lessons that was poured into you in your previous season by those you were surrounded with. Be honest with yourself about whether or not those people have given you all that you were supposed to receive from them and if you have given them all that you had to give. If so, it’s probably time to part ways with those people.

Trust me, I know that it’s much easier said than done but I also know that each season of our lives always serves its purpose. We befriend certain people for specific reasons. When the reason has been revealed it’s time to expire the friendship. I have learned so much from so many people over the course of my life. I am truly grateful for each season, lesson and friendship whether I was ready for it to end or not. I understand that God has something different for me as well as those who I shared a season or two with and for that we must move forward without each other.

So, which season of friendship in your life are you exiting? Are you preparing yourself for the next season of your journey without certain people? Or are you clinging to people who are not guaranteed to be in your next season? Pray about it and do what you have to do. Remember, there’s nothing new under the sun, including change. So embrace your new season, let go of your expired friendships so that you can get to the next level of your journey, with new goals and new friends. You ready?


Let the Healing Begin!

BNIF 3d bookcover

One of the hardest things I had to accept on my journey this far is that I didn’t know who I was as a woman. I allowed my insecurities to create this cold-hearted persona that people were weirdly drawn to. I eventually realized people were not drawn to me because they loved me but because I was dysfunctional. Unfortunately society loves to watch a train wreck in motion. That’s exactly what I was for many years. A train wreck in motion. Well, I had finally crashed and burned. I found myself at rock bottom. I was emotionally drained, spiritually lost and physically tired. I had become tired of pretending to be the cold-hearted persona I created. In fact, I was not even close to being cold-hearted. I actually was an insecure, abandoned soul who craved the love and attention that I didn’t get at home.

For years I thought I had my life together. I didn’t realize that I was lost until I hit rock bottom. God allowed me to move 3,000 miles away from everything and everyone that I knew so that He could strip me of the façade I created over the years. In my isolation I learned that God created me for a purpose and in order to walk in my purpose I had some serious changes to make. The journey to growing into who God created me to be has not been easy. I’m grateful that God has placed people in my life to remind me of the plan He has for me. And guess what? God is doing the same thing for you, too!

Sometimes we get so lost on our journeys that we can’t find our way back to God alone and that’s okay! God loves us so much that He sends help to aid us on our journeys back to Him by way of family, friends and even strangers. Knowing that you are not alone will make your healing journey much smoother. It’s definitely comforting to have people in your life to help you surrender, obey and trust God.

If you are in need of guidance on your journey back to God you will find the encouragement you need in my new book But Now I’m Found Devotionals for Broken Vessels. Filled with ten powerful devotions, supporting scriptures and prayers, But Now I’m Found will keep you focused on healing and building a strong relationship with God while you heal from your pain. Don’t waste another second in pain. Let the healing begin!

To learn more about this powerful book visit


What’s Keeping You Bound?

If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.

So, what does it mean to be bound? It means to be fastened, secured to or encircled in or with something. It means that something or someone has a tight grip on you. As believers, we can be bound to people, places or situations that are harmful and/or detrimental to our journeys. Usually the things that keep us bound are things that we are emotionally attached to and we can’t see how deeply bound we are. Since we are so attached, freeing ourselves from what keeps us bound is difficult and for some of us painful.

In order to be free you must first acknowledge that you’re bound. As the saying goes: the first step to change is admitting that there’s a problem. Maybe you’re unsure in knowing if you’re bound or not. Ways to know if you’re bound to something is to be honest and ask yourself if the things that you’re attached to control your life. Do these things keep you separated from God or have you behaving outside of character.

When you’re bound, it’s impossible to be active in the kingdom of God. God is all about being free so ultimately you’re blocking yourself from having a better quality of life being bound. As a true child of the Most High you should be focused on God and filled with His divine spirit, wisdom and knowledge. This will not happen if you’re bound to people, places or situations that don’t provide you with the power of God. Most importantly, when we’re bound we’re not focused on our relationship with the Most High. When the Most High isn’t leading our lives it’s utter disaster.

So, how can one become free? By completely submitting yourself to God and His will for your life. It is in our submission that God will prune and circumcise our hearts and minds. When God is freeing you it can be a painful process. You have to release people that you love, stop going to places that you’re familiar with and remove yourself from situations that you’re comfortable in. Submitting to God will change your entire life and that can be scary but so worth the process.

Whether you remain bound or make the courageous step to become free it’s totally up to you. If you decided to remain bound, you will continue to live a life of partiality. If you decided to free yourself from things that are not of God, you will grow into a better version of yourself and live an abundant life. So, what’s keeping you bound?